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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Frank Lloyd Wright Buiding on Maiden Lane


Did you know that San Francisco has its own Frank Lloyd Wright building? The building, located at 140 Maiden Lane, between Stockton (Union Square) and Grant St., currently houses an art gallery.

According to Wikipedia, Frank Lloyd Wright renovated the building in 1948, and used it as a prototype for the Guggenheim museum.

If you like Frank Lloyd Wright, drive up to Marin County (North of the Golden Gate Bridge) and check out the Civic Center. Or, check out Don Kinney's beautiful series on the Civic Center here.

Maiden Lane is now part of the most upscale area of San Francisco, but back in the 1800's it used to be the seediest part of town with brothels lined up all along the street. Things changed in 1906 when the brothels burned down during the Great 1906 Earthquake and subsequent fire which destroyed most of San Francisco.

* * *

Additional information on the 140 Maiden Ln building here.

Location of the building here:

View Larger Map

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Blogger claude said...

Un grand bâtisseur qui a laissé son empreinte.
Pour répondre à ta question : non, je n'ai pas photographé le bébé cygne dans les plumes de sa mère, j'ai piqué la photo sur internet.

6:50 AM  
Blogger geneline said...

Il est dommage que ce superbe bâtiment soit un peu enclavé et qu'on manque de recul pour bien en profiter. Mais bon...

8:01 PM  
Blogger AphotoAday said...

Hi T.F.,

Oh cool, thanks for the plug on my San Rafael Civic Center page...

And for some reason I've never actually walked down Maiden Lane, but will probably be doing that soon... That's a great entrance... Has his name all over it...

Wonder if you remember the old bowling alley he (his offices) designed in Ignacio? I think they finally tore it down about 20 years ago... Wish I had some photos, but I don't...

3:27 AM  

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