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Sunday, July 12, 2009

If you come to San Francisco ...

... please bring some Purell?

I'm still sick with the same nasty "cold/flu" that's been going around the Bay Area for the past few weeks as far as I can tell (NOT the swine flu, since I've seen people recover from it). People in the neighborhood had it, people at work suffered through it, people in the commute ... then eventually I got it, too, and can't get rid of it fast enough.

I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, but I don't know, I still feel really under the weather and the fever was pretty high earlier today. We'll see what happens in the morning.

Thank you all for the visits and comments you left under the Michael Jackson's post. I can't think straight enough right now to respond (still feverish) but I will, as soon as I can.

Sick Tomato



Blogger  Gigi Ann said...

So sorry to hear you are feeling down. I hope the flu bug flies away soon!

10:27 PM  
Blogger AphotoAday said...

I am SO sorry you are still sick...
Looks like you'll miss out on Bastille Day too...
I am SO sorry you are still sick...
Nothing worse than the flu...
I am SO sorry you are still sick...

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anthony said...

Ben decidemment, t'as pas d'chance!

7:31 AM  
Blogger Patty said...

Sending get well thoughts your way. Hang in there and if it doesn't soon get better, check with a doctor.

7:32 AM  
Blogger from cali said...

I hope you are up and about soon.

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Brad said...

Hope you are feeling better soon...

9:29 PM  
Blogger claude said...

Y a la grippe à San Francisco ?
J'ai rencontrer ce produit pour les mains dans les restrooms du parc de Yellowstone car il n'y a pas l'eau courante.
La grippe est aussi en France.

12:55 AM  
Blogger Tomate Farcie said...

Thank you all for your wishes.

I'm still sick even though it's been 10 days already but I went to the doctor and it's supposed to be normal. There is a very nasty strain going around with a 3-4 week life. The good news is that people do recover so I'm hanging on to that.

Tomate (cough) Farcie

3:45 PM  
Blogger AphotoAday said...

My thoughts have been with you T.F...
May you feel better each day until you are back to full-speed...

As you might know, I am somewhat of a hermit so I don't interact with a large number of people during the course of a day.   Consequently I haven't had a cold or the flu for eight or nine years now.   Knock on wood...

9:50 PM  
Blogger Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» hopes you are no longer a sick tomate!

«Louis» had his own version of la fête nationale....

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought your blog was cute and my empathy to you. I work at a drug rehab and if one persons got it in here we all got it. Hope you get well soon.

11:07 AM  

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