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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

Champs Elysées, Paris (June 2009)

Coming back from vacation is a always a little bit hard, but especially so when I come back from Europe.

There is a culture shock effect when I get there and the same thing all over again when I get back to the States.

Vacations are always too short, and after only a couple of days back at work, you start wondering if you really went anywhere because it feels like you never left!

Still, it was worth it.

What you see on the photograph is a piece of the Arc de Triomphe, seen from the top of the Avenue des Champs Elysees.

That day, I had met with my brother and we had a hot chocolate at the Pub Renault now called Atelier Renault on the Champs Elysées, at the exact same location where we used to go eat BLT's and banana splits with little umbrellas stuck in them, when we were much, much younger.

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Blogger Le Piou said...

Welcome back...

1:34 PM  
Anonymous from cali said...

I just returned yesterday so I am feeling some of what you are.
Glad you are back.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Patty said...

Welcome home, now to get caught up with everything, that is the hardest part.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Voix said...

Vacations are sometimes more stressful than they are relaxing, don't you think? But I'm glad you're blogging again, since I have time to read again.

3:09 AM  
Blogger AphotoAday said...

Welcome back T.F...

Hope your mum was in the mood to fix some tomate farcie when you were there...

And you know, in my very worst French, I'm probably going to go around today saying Avenue des Champs Elysees...

5:43 AM  
Blogger geneline said...

Les vacances n'ont jamais le même sens ni le même déroulement pour les expat que pour les "autres".

5:39 PM  
Blogger Tomate Farcie said...

Le Piou: Merci!

From Cali: Better get off the computer and get some sleep then! ;)

Patty: That's true!

Voix: I know what you mean about having no time to read. Welcome back in Cyberspace (do we still call it that nowadays?) ;)

APhotoADay: I completely forgot to ask her for that recipe. She no longer cooks anything substantial except for her dog (yep, you read right!)

Geneline: C'est vrai. Personnellement, je n'aime pas beaucoup utiliser le mot "vacances" car dans certains cas, ce ne sont pas du tout des vacances!

8:53 AM  
Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

You must have something good to come back to. If I didn't, I'd try to find a way to stay in Europe. I fell pretty hard in love with Paris and London.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» knows EXACTLY where Atelier Renault is!

Glad you are back!

6:35 PM  

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