Happy Friday Everybody! / Joyeux Vendredi!
Since I've bugged the shit out of everybody with the bad weather lately, here is a little something to cheer you up a bit. Someone sent me that little video of a lady attempting to cook up some crab for the first time. I hope the video won't make it impossible for some of you guys to load up this blog, but it was way too funny to pass up! I'll take it down in a week or so. In the meantime, enjoy the "bad ass crab!" Careful, there is sound with that video.
Puisce que je vous ai emmerdés copieusement avec le mauvais temps, voici un petit quelque chose qui va vous remonter le moral un peu. Quelqu'un m'a envoyé cette petite vidéo d'une brave dame qui essaie de faire cuire des crabes pour la première fois. J'espere que ça va pas trop charger le blog, mais c'est beaucoup trop drole pour s'en passer. Je l'enleverai dans une semaine. En attendant, amusez-vous bien! Attention, y'a du son.
Video sent by TomateFarcie
First time cooking crab (source unknown).
By the way, I absolutely realize that it's not funny at all for the crabs. So if you happen to be a crab, have crab ancestry, have friends who are crabs, or are a crab citizen, please don't watch this video. This video is not intended to promote crab-bashing in any way. Any friend of a crab is a friend of mine!
Au fait, oui, je m'aperçois bien que c'est pas drole du tout pour les crabes. Donc si vous êtes un crabe, avez de la famille crabe, des amis crabes, ou êtes de nationalité crabe, ne regardez pas cette video. Cette video n'a aucunement l'intention d'encourager les casseurs de crabes. Un ami d'un crabe est un ami à moi!
Puisce que je vous ai emmerdés copieusement avec le mauvais temps, voici un petit quelque chose qui va vous remonter le moral un peu. Quelqu'un m'a envoyé cette petite vidéo d'une brave dame qui essaie de faire cuire des crabes pour la première fois. J'espere que ça va pas trop charger le blog, mais c'est beaucoup trop drole pour s'en passer. Je l'enleverai dans une semaine. En attendant, amusez-vous bien! Attention, y'a du son.
Video sent by TomateFarcie
By the way, I absolutely realize that it's not funny at all for the crabs. So if you happen to be a crab, have crab ancestry, have friends who are crabs, or are a crab citizen, please don't watch this video. This video is not intended to promote crab-bashing in any way. Any friend of a crab is a friend of mine!
Au fait, oui, je m'aperçois bien que c'est pas drole du tout pour les crabes. Donc si vous êtes un crabe, avez de la famille crabe, des amis crabes, ou êtes de nationalité crabe, ne regardez pas cette video. Cette video n'a aucunement l'intention d'encourager les casseurs de crabes. Un ami d'un crabe est un ami à moi!
Oh my, that is a riot!!!
I hope she finally got her recipe done, or set the crabs free and made a salad!
Thanks for making me laugh...that was hilarious!
Dear Ms. Farci,
I am writing to you on behalf of the IAFC (International Association for the Protection of Crabs). You may think that posting a video of helpless crabs being abused by a misinformed housewife is funny, but I must inform you that members of our organisation find it highly offensive.
Tossing these highly evolved crustaceans around a room with a four-legged, hairy mammal in the room (crabs have 10 legs and although some are hairy, we are working on educating our less glamourous bretheren into changing their ways) is not only disrespectful, but perpetuates the disrespectful stereotypes of crabs the world over.
We work hard to discourage ever-so-common uses of the term "crab" in inappropriate or misguided ways from "crabby" for irritable people to "crabgrass" to describe grasses with creeping stems that root freely and are considered a pest in lawns.
Due to people like you promoting such horrible images, we have started to see a saddening change in the crab population - from a slow, lazy animal of peaceful habits, to a veritable monster, savage and fiercely aggressive, and woe to the unfortunate within reach of his her claws.
I hope you will correct your crab-racist ways, and discontinue this assault on our members, many of which are soft-shelled.
Thank you for this forum.
Honorary President, IAPC
P.S. Should one assume that you are also a crab eater ? I mean with a last name like "Farcie", I can only imagine that you like them stuffed! Shame, shame!
Honorary President, IAPC
Qu'ils crevent ces saloperies de crabes... Si on peut retablir un peu la balance en en bouffant un max, tant mieux.
merci j'ai bien ri - par contre je me demande bien ce qu'ils ont fait au piou pour qu'il leur en veuille autant
Franchement, la partie "Disclaimer" m'a particulièrement fait rire !!!
C'est le genre d'humour qui m'interpelle...
C'est trés drôle!
Nice politically correct disclaimer. Almost as funny as the video.
DoctorDentons will like this!
Brigetoun: Je suis comme Desproges:pour moi, le symbole du cancer, c'est le crabe... d'autant que je suis ne le 22 juin...
That is so hilarious! I had a similar reaction the first time I tried to cook lobsters.
Paris sends her greetings, by the way. She hasn't aged a day.
Michael does rock, indeed!
"Honorary President, IAPC said...
Dear Ms. Farci,
I am writing to you on behalf of the IAFC (International Association for the Protection of Crabs)..."
Dear Mr. President:
You should know that I am deeply offended by the mispelling of my last name. It's "Farcie" with an "e" at the end and ALWAYS a capital "F" to start with, I might add!!!
Addressing me any other way is utterly unacceptable!
Because of your negligence, I have lost blog readership over the week-end. Those people who have logged in anyway were confused by the misspelling and have subsequently complained of sudden memory loss and headaches...
* * *
Oh, damn it, I can't do it as well as you, man! Michael rules!
Oh, and by the way, Michael, it's really, really good to have you back! :-)
Damn straight, I eat crab! However, I DO NOT eat frog legs! Ahem.
LOL...hey, I even mispelled the initials to the IAPC. Thanks for your note the other day too.
Happy Easter - Joyeuses Pâques
Oh, man, I still hurt from laughing so hard! Thanks, Tomate and Michael!
bon appétit je penserai à cette femme si je mange du crabe pour le repas de paques.... a t elle mangé des frites et un hamburger je me pose la question
de la part de ta frangi'npan
Why thank you Dr. Denton! I'm gonna have a hard time living up to that compliment, now, but I shall try ...
Happy Easter and Passover to all. (Happy whatever-it-is-the-crabs-celebrate to all!)
Joyeuses Paques et joyeuses (zut, c'est quoi le nom de la Paques juive?) a tous!
(oh, et bien sur, joyeuses fetes des crabes - ils doivent bien celebrer quelque chose ceux la aussi!)
By the way, thank you guys for the comments. You all make this site lively and interesting.
Au fait, merci à tous pour vos commentaires. C'est vous tous qui rendez ce site vivant et interessant!
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