Here we go again! Nous y voilà encore!
Je viens de passer 19 minutes à essayer de faire monter une toute petite photo de 77KB sur le blog. Rien à faire! J'abandonne pour aujourd'hui avant de trop m'énerver. Désolée.
I just spent 19 minutes trying to upload a small 77KB picture to the blog. No go! I give up for today before I get too frustrated and pissed off. Sorry guys.
I just spent 19 minutes trying to upload a small 77KB picture to the blog. No go! I give up for today before I get too frustrated and pissed off. Sorry guys.
Loading photos has been going pretty smoothly for me on Blogger lately. I am not sure what the deal is, here, but Blogger can be very frustrating at times.
I have the same problem -- Blogger is unreliable, and borderline dysfunctional sometimes.
I think they're victims of their success, and do not have adequate gear/power to match the demand. But how can we complain when it's free? (Though I'd gladly pay for the reliability.)
When I experience the same frustreation as you do trying to load my posts/photos, I give up for a few hours -- then try again. (Also, living in L.A. = GMT-7, I find that it works best in the afternoons.)
I have the same problem -- Blogger is unreliable, and borderline dysfunctional sometimes.
I think they're victims of their success, and do not have adequate gear/power to match the demand. But how can we complain when it's free? (Though I'd gladly pay for the reliability.)
When I experience the same frustreation as you do trying to load my posts/photos, I give up for a few hours -- then try again. (Also, living in L.A. = GMT-7, I find that it works best in the afternoons.)
I kind of remember I heard a version of "While my guitar gently weeps" played on the Ukulule on your site some months ago right? Here is the "You Tube" video:
Personnellement, je stocke les photos de mon blog sur le serveur de mon FAI (fournisseur d'accès internet) auprès duquel je suis abonné.
Avec chaque abonnement ADSL, nous disposons d'un espace de 100 Mo pour créer une page web perso. Ce n'est pas énorme comme espace de stockage mais cela suffit à mes besoins dans l'immédiat, et les temps de réponse lorsqu'on charge la page de mon blog sont corrects jusqu'à présent (du moins à ce que j'ai pu constater à chaque fois que je me suis connecté).
Probablement disposes-tu toi aussi d'un espace disque associé à ton abonnement. Ce peut-être une solution à ton problème...
Si tel est le cas, tu crées un site perso chez ton FAI et tu n'as plus ensuite qu'à utiliser l'url des images dans tes messages (jettes un oeil sur l'un de mes messages pour voir comment est référencés la vignette et le lien sur l'image cible, mon FAI étant Wanadoo).
Didier (photo blog)
Sorry to hear your photo problems Tomate...not "cool" at all. I,m sure the best thing to do is to remain "cool", not lose your "cool" and things will get better. Of course, I could be taking your whole plight a lot less serious than I should and that wouldn't be "cool" at all. If so, I'm sorry!
Don't worry Beta.blogspot is coming, and we know all that it will much better and ... err wait ...
That's why I changed both my blogs over to Wordpress, and I haven't regretted doing so for a moment.
A lot of good ideas, there, everybody, thank you so much, guys! I haven't completely given up, yet, but I'll admit, when you decide to write up a post and end up spending 90 minutes to upload 3 pictures, it can certainly slow one down a bit. To be continued, I guess.
Plein de bonnes idées, merci beaucoup tout le monde! Je n'ai pas encore completement abandonné la partie, mais j'admets que l'idée d'avoir à passer une heure et demie pour faire monter 3 photos ne me motive pas trop. A suivre, je crois.
I feel your pain! Seems like a major migration of folks in the City Daily Photo community over to Wordpress. I think I'm going to stick it out until I see what the beta version of blogger is like. Moving is always such a hassel, in physical or cyber worlds. . . I look forward to your photos when they finally post!
hey tomate
sorry, can't remember how i found your blog.
i just uploaded firefox (as suggested by blogger helps page) and i haven't had a problem since....
i l-o-v-e that you have french/english translation on your blog.. *so* cool!!!
hubby and i spent two days in paris last month and left our hearts there: we will have to return !!!!!!!!!!!!!
haven't had a problem blogging photos, that is ;o)
far out. i am such a blonde. need more coffee.
i downloaded firefox.
now i have no problems uploading my photos to blogger.
(i do tend to type faster than i think. sheesh, did i just type that??)
I copy my pictures from flickr, where I have all my pictures never problems
tomate, je commence par mettre les photos et j'écris le texte ensuite sinon c'est la m.. aussi
bonne chance
I miss you, Tomate! Are you coming back from your hiatus?
Aww, thanks Michele! I miss you guys too! A lot! :(
Was hoping to be back blogging by now, but I'm still terribly busy at the moment. See you all very soon, hopefully in the next couple of weeks or so.
Tu nous manques aussi.
Vivement ton retour!
Tomate, Tomate...come out wherever you are. Hope all is okay with you!
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