OK, so I have been in touch with Haloscan and this is what they told me:
I guess that means my comments will continue to appear here for a while, until they disappear, if or when they do ... nobody knows. If eventually my commenting window stops working, then I guess I'll have to migrate my stuff to another template ... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Well, that's the blog update.
To be honest I feel a little bit like my blog right now. Things have been unraveling all around me and I am facing some tough personal decisions at the moment, which make it very difficult to concentrate on anything else, including writing blog posts.
Maybe it's time for a little blog vacation while I put out fires around me in the rest of my life.
I'll be back.
Tomate Farcie, living to fight another day.
We've checked the Haloscan database and didn't find your comments,
unfortunately. All such old comments are lost, we are unable to ind or
recover them.
It's one of reasons why we started the upgrade process from Haloscan
to Echo - we are trying to save the comments:
Please accept our deepest apologize for such a situation and for all
the inconveniences it might cause, but Haloscan is physically starting
to fail (the software and hardware).
Sincerely yours,
JS-Kit Team
(GMT +3)
I guess that means my comments will continue to appear here for a while, until they disappear, if or when they do ... nobody knows. If eventually my commenting window stops working, then I guess I'll have to migrate my stuff to another template ... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Well, that's the blog update.
To be honest I feel a little bit like my blog right now. Things have been unraveling all around me and I am facing some tough personal decisions at the moment, which make it very difficult to concentrate on anything else, including writing blog posts.
Maybe it's time for a little blog vacation while I put out fires around me in the rest of my life.
I'll be back.
Tomate Farcie, living to fight another day.